RISC Software GmbH
RISC Software GmbH is a well-established, national and international IT service company. The company is owned by the Johannes Kepler University Linz (80%) and Upper Austrian Research GmbH (20%). We incorporate mathematics and computer science with practical experience and thereby develop individual software solutions for companies, medicine and industry in interdisciplinary teams.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c.mult Bruno Buchberger founded the company in 1992 as part of the RISC Institute.. From this day on, Dr. Buchberger supported the company as mentor. The duality of basic research (RISC Institute) and application (RISC Software GmbH) has continued until today and is hold up in close cooperation with the chairperson Prof. Dr. Peter Paule in many different ways.
RISC Software GmbH is divided into three application-oriented business units and one knowledge-specific competence area. These units cover different disciplines and create a wide variety of solutions for engineering, logistics, information technology and medicine:
Unit Logistics Informatics
Software for planning, optimization, simulation and control of logistics processes.
Unit Industrial Software Applications
Development of software solutions for visualization, simulation and optimization of new products and manufacturing processes in the industry.
Research Unit Medical Informatics
Highly specialized software for modern medicine.
Unit Data Management and Analytics
Systems for data analysis, knowledge management and machine learning.
RISC Software GmbH supports established companies as well as start-ups and newcomers with their developments. RISC Software GmbH supports its partners and customers in the preparation and implementation of digitization with the help of data analysis and artificial intelligence through findings from research and development projects in various areas of healthcare, production, logistics and big data management. Further applications areas are optimization of production and manufacturing processes and simulations in the areas of industry 4.0 and intelligent transportation systems.