
The PLDESolver package is a Mathematica package to find solutions of parameterized linear difference equations in difference rings.


The PLDESolver package by Jakob Ablinger and Carsten Schneider is a Mathematica package that allows to compute solutions of non-degenerated linear difference operators in difference rings with zero-divisors by reducing it to finding solutions in difference rings that are integral domains. Note that the package relies on subroutines of the Sigma package.

Registration and Legal Notices

The source code for this package is password protected. To get the password send an email to Peter Paule. It will be given for free to all researchers and non-commercial users. Copyright © 2021 The RISC Combinatorics Group, Austria — all rights reserved. Commercial use of the software is prohibited without prior written permission.

A Note on Encoded Files

This package contains one or more Mathematica input files which are encoded. Those files cannot be read or modified directly as plain text, but can be loaded into Mathematica just like any normal input file (i.e., with <<"file" or Get["file"]). There is no need (and also no way) to decode them by using additional software or a special key.

The Package

The package is contained in the Mathematica input file After loading the package, type PLDESolverList to get a description of the available commands. Please also load the Sigma package, since the PLDESolver is built on it. The file Examples.nb contains a list of example computations. Right now you are using Version 0.9 released on March 4, 2021. This version was tested with Mathematica versions 12.1.


  • Solving linear difference equations with coefficients in rings with idempotent representations. [pdf]


Please report any bugs, comments and requests to Jakob Ablinger or Carsten Schneider.