author = {Johannes Middeke},
title = {{Conversion between Hermite and Popov normal forms using an FGLM-like approach}},
language = {english},
abstract = {We are working with matrices over a ring K[D;sigma,theta] of Orepolynomials over a skew field K. Extending a result of Kojima etal. for usual polynomials it is shown that in this setting theHermite and Popov normal forms correspond to Gröbner bases withrespect to certain orders. The FGLM algorithm is adapted to thissetting and used for converting Popov forms into Hermite formsand vice versa. The approach works for arbitrary, ie, notnecessarily square matrices where we establish terminationcriteria to deal with infinitely dimensional factor spaces.},
journal = {Albanian Journal of Mathematics},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
pages = {181--193},
publisher = {AulonaPress},
isbn_issn = {1930-1235},
year = {2010},
note = {Special Issue, Applications of Computer Algebra 2010, University of Vlora, Albania},
refereed = {yes},
length = {13}