European Network GRAPES: learninG, pRocessing And oPtimizing shapES [GRAPES]
Project Lead
Project Duration
01/12/2019 - 30/11/2023Partners

How to reconstruct a planar map from its branching curve
E. Hoxhaj, J. Schicho
Math. Comp. 94, pp. 935-952. 2025. ISSN 1088-6842. [doi]@article{RISC7121,
author = {E. Hoxhaj and J. Schicho},
title = {{How to reconstruct a planar map from its branching curve}},
language = {english},
journal = {Math. Comp.},
volume = {94},
pages = {935--952},
isbn_issn = {ISSN 1088-6842},
year = {2025},
refereed = {yes},
length = {18},
url = {}
author = {E. Hoxhaj and J. Schicho},
title = {{How to reconstruct a planar map from its branching curve}},
language = {english},
journal = {Math. Comp.},
volume = {94},
pages = {935--952},
isbn_issn = {ISSN 1088-6842},
year = {2025},
refereed = {yes},
length = {18},
url = {}
Using Algebraic Geometry to Reconstruct a Darboux Cyclide from a Calibrated Camera Picture
E. Hoxhaj, J.-M. Menjanahary, J. Schicho
J. AAECC, pp. -. 2023. 1432-0622. to appear. [doi]@article{RISC6879,
author = {E. Hoxhaj and J.-M. Menjanahary and J. Schicho},
title = {{Using Algebraic Geometry to Reconstruct a Darboux Cyclide from a Calibrated Camera Picture}},
language = {english},
journal = {J. AAECC},
pages = {--},
isbn_issn = {1432-0622},
year = {2023},
note = {to appear},
refereed = {yes},
length = {19},
url = {}
author = {E. Hoxhaj and J.-M. Menjanahary and J. Schicho},
title = {{Using Algebraic Geometry to Reconstruct a Darboux Cyclide from a Calibrated Camera Picture}},
language = {english},
journal = {J. AAECC},
pages = {--},
isbn_issn = {1432-0622},
year = {2023},
note = {to appear},
refereed = {yes},
length = {19},
url = {}